3M 1420EZ Typewriter User Manual

18 78-9000-0120-3-A
Miscellaneous Errors
ERROR: If an attempt is made to read or write to iD-Markers and the Dynatel
1420EZ Writer is not powered on or the
incorrect comport is selected, one or both of the following dialog boxes will appear:
REMEDY: Power On the Dynatel
1420EZ Writer or verify that the correct comport is selected.
ERROR: If a unit other than the Dynatel
1420EZ Writer is connected to the PC, the following error dialog box appears
when the Read/Write tab is clicked in Dynatel
REMEDY: Connect the Dynatel
1420EZ Writer unit to the PC.
ERROR: If the Dynatel
1420EZ Writer is connected to the PC and the following error dialog box appears;
REMEDY 1: Verify serial cable connection between PC and Dynatel
1420EZ Writer unit.
REMEDY 2: Verify Dynatel
1420EZ Writer unit is powered on.
REMEDY 3: Verify correct comport has been selected.
REMEDY 4: Verify baud rate of 38,400 is selected.