ABC Office 110CX Cash Register User Manual

A total of 200 Price Look Up codes (PLUs) are available on this cash register. The Price Look Up system allows for fast,
accurate entry of an item and automatically records the number of items sold. There are 2 methods in programming PLUs. One
method is to set the PLU number with a preset price known as a Fixed PLU Price. The second method is to set the PLU without
a preset price, where you are able to manually enter the price of an item while still having the sales activity recorded under the
PLU number on management reports, known as an Open PLU Price (sub-department). The Open PLU Price is recommended
for items whose prices change frequently.
Before getting started with programming PLUs, the following 3 steps should be done:
1. Make a list of the PLU numbers and their prices you wish to program.
2. Decide whether you want the PLU number designated as a Fixed PLU Price or an Open PLU Price. Note: The
Fixed PLU Price does not allow you to override or change a preset price in the register mode, whereas the
Open PLU Price does.
3. Determine if each PLU number requires tax or no tax. If tax is required for a particular PLU number, be sure to link
the PLU number to a department that is programmed for tax. Likewise, if a PLU number does not require tax, then
link the PLU number to a department not programmed for tax.
Program PLU Status
Note: This procedure should only be done if you are interested in the Open PLU Price (sub-department) option. Otherwise,
proceed to the next section on Programming PLU Prices.
1. Enter the program mode: Move the Control Switch to the "PRG" position. If a security code has been assigned,
enter the security code and press the [CHARGE] key. If no security code has been assigned, continue with Step #2.
2. Press the [PO] key to begin programming the PLU Status.
3. Type the [PLU # (between 001-199)], press the [PLU] key, type the [PLU Status #] and press the [Department]
PLU Status 0 = Fixed PLU Price (This is the factory default option).
PLU Status 1 = Open PLU Price (Sub-department option).
4. Repeat Step #3 for all desired PLU numbers.
5. Press the [PO] key to finish programming the PLU Status.
6. Continue to the next section on programming the PLU Price.
Program PLU Prices
1. Enter the Program mode: Move the Control Switch to the "PRG" position. If a security code has been assigned,
enter the security code and press the [CHARGE] key. If no security code has been assigned, continue with Step #2.
2. Press the [QTY/TIME] key to begin programming.
3. Type the [PLU Number (between 001-199)], press the [PLU] key, type the [PLU Price] and press the
[Department] key.
4. Repeat Step #3 for all desired PLU numbers. Note: When programming PLU numbers consecutively, it is not
necessary to type the PLU number each time. The system automatically prompts you with the next PLU
5. Press the [QTY/TIME] key to finish programming PLU prices.
CONFIRMATION REPORTS: No printing will occur during programming of PLUs. To print a PLU Confirmation Report, turn to
the next page.
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