ABL electronic PIC18 Personal Computer User Manual

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- C Compiler for Microchip PIC microcontrollers
making it simple...
Library Example
The following code tests MMC library routines. First, we fill the buffer with 512 “M” characters
and write it to sector 56; then we repeat the sequence with character “E” at sector 56. Finally, we
read the sectors 55 and 56 to check if the write was successful.
unsigned i;
unsigned short tmp;
unsigned short data[512];
void main() {
// Wait until MMC is initialized
while (Mmc_Init(&PORTC, 2)) ;
// Fill the buffer with the 'M' character
for (i = 0; i <= 511; i++) data[i] = "M";
// Write it to MMC card, sector 55
tmp = Mmc_Write_Sector(55, data);
// Fill the buffer with the 'E' character
for (i = 0; i <= 511; i++) data[i] = "E";
// Write it to MMC card, sector 56
tmp = Mmc_Write_Sector(56, data);
/** Now to check sectors 55 and 56 **/
// Read from sector 55
tmp = Mmc_Read_Sector(55, data);
// Send 512 bytes from buffer to USART
if (tmp == 0)
for (i = 0; i < 512; i++) Usart_Write(data[i]);
// Read from sector 56
tmp = Mmc_Read_Sector(56, data);
// Send 512 bytes from buffer to USART
if (tmp == 0)
for (i = 0; i < 512; i++) Usart_Write(data[i]);