Application Accelerator RAID Edition utility before the second disk
is installed to verify the Port and serial number of the drive that
contains all the data.
2 Select the RAID volume name and strip size, and click Next.
• RAID Volume Name - A desired RAID volume name needs to be
typed in where the RAID_Volume1 text is shown above. The RAID
volume name has a maximum limit of 16 characters. The RAID
volume name must be in English alphanumeric ASCII characters.
• Strip Size - Select the desired strip size setting. As indicated, the
optimal setting is 128KB. Selecting any other option may result in
performance degradation. Even though 128KB is the
recommended setting for most users, you should choose the strip
size value which is best suited to your specific RAID usage model.
The most typical strip size settings are:
• 4KB: For specialized usage models requiring 4KB strips
• 8KB: For specialized usage models requiring 8KB strips
• 16KB: Best for sequential transfers
• 32KB: Good for sequential transfers
• 64KB: Good general purpose strip size
• 128KB: Best performance for most desktops and workstations
Before you continue to Step 3 (by clicking Next in Step 2), read the next
2 dialog boxes carefully. Please note that once you have selected
Migrate in Step 3, the Intel Application Accelerator RAID Edition will
have claimed the disks to be used in creating a new volume and this