Chapter 4 Connection Configurations for Debug Console
4.1 Configuration the Hyper Terminal
To configure the Hyper Terminal, which is a Windows utility program for serial communications, refer to following steps:
1. Run the Hyper Terminal program
-. Window 95/98/2000/XP start tool bar -> Program -> Accessories -> Hyper Terminal Group
-> Double click Hyperterm.exe -> Enter a connection name -> Select a icon -> Click OK.
2. Select COM Port to communicate with EVB7400 board.
-. Choose COM1 or COM2 as the serial communication port and click OK.
3. Set the serial port properties
-. Bits per second: 57600 bps
-. Data Bits : 8 bits
-. Stop Bits : 1
-. Flow control : None
4. Select the Properties from the File menu
[Figure 5 ] P
5. Choose Setting Page.
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