ADCP-50-304 • Issue 19 • June 1999 • Section 1: Introduction
Page 1-5
© 1999, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
2.2 PatchSwitch Equipment
The PS equipment consists of a chassis with a control module and associated power supply,
modules forpatching and/or switching and interfacing, blank panel and patch cords. Table 1-2 lists
the PS equipment.
Table 1-2. PatchSwitch Equipment
(V.35 Modules are described in Section 3. X.21 Modules are described in Section 4)
RDC-01 PatchSwitch Chassis,
16 position
Standard rack mounted chassis which includes a
control module. Requires Power Supply. Chassis can
hold up to 16 PS modules and one patch interface,
test data converter, or blank module. Provides female
DCE and DTE connectors.
RDC-02 PatchSwitch Chassis,
16 position
Same as RDC-01 except provides male DCE
PSM-01 LED/Alarm Patch Module with
A/B Switching
A/B electromechanical switching between two data
communications devices; and computer, modem and
monitor patching functions. Also includes RS232/
V.24 LED and Alarm functions.
PSM-02 Patch Model with A/B Switching Same as PSM-01 except no LED and alarm
PSM-03 Module with A/B Switching Only A/B electromechanical switching between two data
communications devices.
PSM-04 LED/Alarm Patch Module with
Off-Line Access
Same as PSM-01 except it provides direct test access
to off-line device when module is in either A or B
(sub) state.
PSM-05 Patch Module with Off-Line
Same as PSM-04 except no LEDs or alarm.
PSM-07 LED Alarm Patch Interface Connects one or two data ports to other test equip-
ment via patch cords. Also includes RS-232/V.24,
LEDs and alarm.
PSM-08 Patch Interface Same as PSM-07 except no LEDs and alarm.
PSM-09 Blank Panel Covers unused card slots.
PSM-12 RS-232/V.24 LED/Alarm
Test Module
Provides an interface port for test equipment requir-
ing RS-232/V.24 circuit compatibility. Normally
positioned in slot 17 of RDC-01 and RDC-02.
However, this PS module may be mounted in any
slot, except for 18, of the above PS chassis. Includes
eight LEDs for RS-232 lead status monitoring,
an adjustable alarm and patch jack port.
PSM-13 Test Module Same as PSM-12 without LEDs and alarm
PSM-15 Control Module Chassis control module permitting local, or
dc pulse serial remote switch and alarm control.
PSW-000001 PatchSwitch Power Supply
(6 pin in-line connector)
Dual output supply used with PSC-01/PSC-02
chassis with input power source from 90 to 240 Vac,
48-63 Hz.