Chapter 6: Diagnostics
Router Option Module User Manual 61200350L1-1
Logs/Connection Log
Information pertaining to the connection over the T1 link.
Connection Log/Active
When set to Yes (def), connection events less than or equal to the log
level are logged into the log.
Connection Log/Wrap
When set to Yes (def), new connection events will overwrite old
connection events when the log is full.
When set to No, all logging will stop when the log is full.
Connection Log/Level
In order to log events, they must be at or below this level. Range is
0 to 6. The default is 3.
Connection Log/View
This menu displays the log list. The fields are as follows:
Date/Time - Date and time event occurred.
Level - Level associated with this event (0-6).
Message - Text message for this event. If message is too long to fit
on the line, another event appears below it continuing the message.
Connection Log/Clear
This clears the log when activated.
Logs/Network Log
Information pertaining to the routing protocols is placed in this log.
Network Log/Active
When set to Yes (def), call events below or equal the log level are
logged into the log.