Appendix E: Terminal Mode Commands
Router Option Module User Guide 61200350L1-1
Key Words
One of the following key words must be used first:
For Example:
Key Word Goes directly to the following menu . . .
info Configuration/System Info
ip Configuration/IP
ipx Configuration/IPX
bridge Configuration/Bridge
security Configuration/Security
ppp Configuration/PPP Profile
telnet Configuration/Management/Telnet
snmp Configuration/Management/SNMP
maint Configuration/Management/Maint
status Configuration/Status
test Configuration/Test
logs Configuration/Logs
util Configuration/Utilities
frame Configuration/WAN/Frame Relay
What it is . . . What it does . . .
Telnet user 1 name “guest” Sets user name for telnet user list
entry 1 to “guest”
Test 2047 Starts 2047 test
Status ip 1 gateway Returns the gateway address for IP
route table entry 1