Chapter 5: Statistics
61200350L1-1 Router Option Module User Manual
Status/IPX Routes
Read security: 5
This lists the contents of the Router Option Module’s IPX router ta-
Name Description
IPX Routes /Network Network destination address
IPX Routes /Gateway Node or Ethernet address of gateway to
receive this packet
IPX Routes /Port Port gateway is located on:
Sent directly to the Router Option Module
Router Option Module’s ethernet port
Router Option Module’s first PPP bundle
fr 0 . . . fr 9
Router Option Module is connected up to
10 DLCIs
IPX Routes /Use Number of times the Router Option Mod-
ule has referenced the route
IPX Routes/Hops Number of routers that must go through to
get to destination. Ranges from 0-15 or 16
for infinite (can’t get there from here).
IPX Routes/Ticks Router-determined value for representing
time packets take to reach the network des-
tination. One tick is equivalent to one-eigh-
teenth of a second.
IPX Routes/TTL Seconds until address is removed from
table. Value of 999 means route is static.