Allied Telesis AT-9924SP-30 Switch User Manual

Page 33 | AlliedWare™ OS How To Note: EPSR
EPSR State and Settings
Master Node
in a Failed Ring
In contrast, the following diagram shows the output for a master node in a ring that is in a
Failed state. Both ring ports are now forwarding.
EPSR Information
Name ........................ domain1
Mode .......................... Master
Status ........................ Enabled
State ......................... Failed
Control Vlan .................. vlan1000 (1000)
Data VLAN(s) .................. vlan2 (2)
Primary Port .................. 1
Primary Port Status ........... Forwarding
Secondary Port ................ 2
Secondary Port Status ......... Forwarding
Hello Time .................... 1 s
Failover Time ................. 2 s
Ring Flap Time ................ 0 s
Trap .......................... Enabled