Altinex MT106-100 Scanner User Manual

There is an MT106-100 in slot 2 of unit ID 3.
View the current Sharpness and make
Sharpness the active control.
[SHARPC2U3] = STATUS/Current value
2 = Feedback of current value
[ + ] & [ - ] = Adjust as required
19. [OUT]
This command selects the output signal format
for the video signal. There are two modes to
select, either NTSC or PAL.
Command Format: [OUTnCiUy]
n = format type (0=NTSC, 1=PAL)
Ci = card ID (i = slot number)
Uy = unit id (i = 0 to 9) (refer to the MT100-100
user’s guide for explanation)
To change the format from the MT106-100 in
slot 3 of unit ID 2, from PAL to NTSC, send the
command [OUT0C3U2].
The default mode is NTSC.
20. [BAR]
The BAR command allows the user to choose
among outputting the applied input video signal,
a color test pattern or a grey scale test pattern.
Command Format: [BARnCiUy]
n = 0 to 2
0 = Video
1 = Color Test Pattern
2 = Grey Scale Test Pattern
Ci = card ID (i = slot number)
Uy = unit id (i = 0 to 9) (refer to the MT100-
100 user’s guide for explanation)
Supply a color test pattern from the MT106-100
in slot 4 of unit ID 0. Send the command
[BAR1C4U0] to enable the color test pattern
output. In order to view the actual video signal
again, send the command [BAR0C4U0].
21. [HELP]
In MTSetup.exe, this command displays a list of
the commands available for the MT106-100
along with a brief description.
Command Format: [HELPCiUy]
Ci =card ID (i = slot number)
Uy = unit id (i = 0 to 9) (refer to the MT100-
100 user’s guide for explanation)
22. [WR]
This command groups multiple cards in the
Enclosure. Each unit contains a maximum of
nine groups.
Command Format: [WRCn…GkUi]
Cn = card ID No. (n = slot # from 1 to 19)
(1-8 for MT100-101 or 1-4 for MT100-106)
Gk = group number (k = # from 1-9)
Ui = unit number (i = # from 0-9)
To group cards #1, 2, and 3 as group 5 of unit
#1, send the command [WRC1C2C3G5U1].
After executing this command, cards 1, 2 and 3
will be grouped together as group 5 of unit 1.
23. [CLR]
This command clears the members for a single
group or for all nine groups.
Command Format: [CLRGkUi]
Gk = group number (k = # from 1-9)
Ui = unit number (i = # from 0-9)
1) To clear group #1, send the [CLRG1U1]
command. This command clears the
members for the specified group only.
2) To clear all groups of unit 1, send the
[CLRG[U1] command.