20. [COLOR]
This command displays the color setting and
makes the color function active for use with the
[+] and [-] control commands.
Command Format: [COLORCn]
Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
Send the command [COLORC4] to select the
color function on C4. Then use the [+] and [-]
commands to increase or decrease the color
level as desired.
21. [SHARPm]
This command sets the sharpness level to an
absolute value.
Command Format: [SHARPmCn]
m = Level (m = # from 0 to 48,default=10)
Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
Send the command [SHARP05C4] to set the
output sharpness to 5 on the card in slot 4.
22. [SHARP]
This command displays the sharpness setting
and makes the sharpness function active for use
with the [+] and [-] control commands.
Command Format: [SHARPCn]
Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
Send the command [SHARPC4] to select the
sharpness function on C4. Then use the [+] and
[-] commands to increase or decrease the
sharpness level as desired.
23. [HUEm]
This command sets the hue level to an absolute
NOTE: The Hue adjustment does not apply to
Component Video.
Command Format: [HUEmCn]
m = Level (m = # from 0 to 48,default=0)
Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
Send the command [HUE30C4] to set the output
hue level to 30 on the card in slot 4.
24. [HUE]
This command displays the hue setting and
makes hue the active function for use with the
[+] and [-] controls.
NOTE: The Hue adjustment does not apply to
Component Video.
Command Format: [HUECn]
Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)
Send the command [HUEC4] to select the hue
function on C4. Then use the [+] and [-]
commands to increase or decrease the hue
level as desired.
25. [MODET]
This command is used to turn the 3D Comb
Filter, Y/C Separator either on or off. The filter
should be on when using a VCR input and off
when using other formats.
Command Format: [MODETpCn]
p = Filter ON/OFF (p = 0 or 1)
0 = OFF (default)
1 = ON (VCR Mode)
Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
A VCR will be used to play a video tape. Send
the command [MODET1C4] to turn on the 3D
Comb Filter for the MT106-103 in slot 4.