Raid Introduction
Defining Typical Application Usage
Allows the user to choose the type of PC usage that will be performed in order to optimize
how This motherboard handles data blocks to enhance performance. Your choice will determine
the block size used. You may choose from: A/V Editing (for audio/video applications, or any
similar application that requires large file transfers), Server (for numerous small file transfers), or
Desktop (a combination of large and small file sizes).
Using a “Hot” Spare Drive
If a third drive is attached as a “Slave” and is not assigned to a mirrored two-drive disk array
(one optimized for “Security”), it will be recognized as a Spare Drive. Such a drive is immediately
used as a “standby” replacement. It is automatically added to an array once a disk member of
the array has been detected as “failed.” To restore fault tolerance as quickly as possible, This
motherboard begins to perform an automatic data rebuild on the “spare” drive in the background
without the need to restart the system. At a later time, the failed drive can be physically removed
from the system and an extra drive added in its place to function as the “spare” drive.
Creating Multiple Disk Arrays
1. If you plan to create multiple arrays, attach only the drives necessary to create the first disk
array and complete the <1> Auto Setup.
2. Install the additional drives needed for the second array and again use the <1> Auto
NOTE: If you wish to customize the settings of individual disk arrays (such as block size), you
must manually create disk arrays with the Define Array <3> option from the Main Menu.