1-3 Performance Table
The following performance table indicates the testing results of some popular benchmark
testing programs. The data provided is intended just for user reference only. You may
obtain different results depending upon the hardware and software configuration used.
Performance Test Report
CPU: AMD Athlon XP 3000+ (FSB 166MHz)
DRAM: 512MB DDR400 X1 (Winbond DDR W942508BH-5)
256MB DDR400 X1 (Winbond DDR W942508BH-5)
VGA Expansion Card: ATI 9700 PRO (1024x768x32bit color)
Hard Disk Driver: IBM IC35L040AVVN07-0 (ATA-100 7200RPM)
BIOS: Award Optimal default
OS: Win XP Professional
166/166 166/200
3D Mark 2001SE 12477 12291
3D Mark 2003 4562 4541
3D Winbench 2000 (32/32bit) 393 394
PC Mark 2002
CPU/Memory/HDD 6311 / 5162 / 965 6373 / 5120 / 969
Content Creation Winstone 2002 44.6 43.2
Content Creation Winstone 2003
Business Winstone 2002 36.6 34.6
Winbench 99 V1.2 :
Business Disk Winmark99 10300 10300
Hi-end Disk Winmark99 33800 33200
Business Graphic Winmark 752 751
Hi-end Graphic Winmark 1830 1820
SYS Mark 2001/2002 : SISMark 2001/2002 Rating ( Internet Content Creation /
Office Productivity )
SISMark 2001 245 (246 / 245) 243 (244 / 243)
SISMark 2002
SISOFT Sandra 2003 :
Dhrystone ALU MIPS 7800 7797
Whetstone FPU MFLOPS 3137 3132
RAM Int Buffered iSSE2 MB/S 2251 2148
RAM Float Buffered iSSE2 MB/S 2100 2045
Integer SSE2 IT/S 11543 11534
Floating-Point SSE2 IT/S 12296 12282
QUAKE3 DEMO1 FPS 239.4 228.3
DEMO2 FPS 233.7 228.5
Return to Castle Wolfenstein FPS 124.7 121.7
WCPUID System / CPU Clock 167.05 / 2171.60 167.05 / 2171.60