AVE VSSI-PRO Network Card User Manual

Choices: AUTO, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14.4K, 19.2K, 28.8K, 38.4K. The default is 2400.
Press the “Up” or “Down” button to move the cursor to “RX BAUDRATE” and press “Set”. The cursor will start flashing.
Press the “Up” or “Down” button to cycle through the values and press “Set” when the desired value is displayed. Note
that changing the RX BAUDRATE value simultaneously changes the TX BAUDRATE value.
This feature allows you to set the transmit baud rate to a separate device if you are looping the data back out of the VSSI-
Pro. The TX BAUDRATE value is changed simultaneously when changing the RX BAUDRATE value.
Choices: NONE, ODD, EVEN
Press the “Up” or “Down” button to move the cursor to “PARITY” and press “Set”. The cursor will start flashing. Press the
“Up” or “Down” button to toggle between values and press “Set” when the desired value is displayed.
Choices: 7 or 8
If you select 7 data bits, you must select “ODD” or “EVEN” parity in the PARITY menu. Press the “Up” or “Down” button
to move the cursor to “DATA BITS” and press “Set”. The cursor will start flashing. Press the “Up” or “Down” button to
toggle between values and press “Set” when the desired value is displayed
Choices: ON, OFF
Handshaking is an electrical signal that tells the ATM or external device that the VSSI-Pro is ready to receive data.
Handshaking may not be necessary and/or may be connected to an outgoing signal from the external device since the
VSSI-Pro does not require it.The VSSI-Pro's handshaking signal is always present. Handshaking guarantees that the
internal buffer is not over-run or that text is not lost. The AVE Networker or Vnetworker suports this protocol but most
other AVE interfaces do no support this function. Press the “Up” or “Down” button to move the cursor to “HANDSHAK-
ING” and press “Set”. The cursor will start flashing. Press the “Up” or “Down” button to toggle between “ON” or “OFF” and
press “Set” when the desired value is displayed.
Choices: ON, OFF
AUTO LINEFEED makes the VSSI-Pro send out CR/LF after each line. The default for this function is ON. Press the “Up”
or “Down” button to move the cursor to “AUTO LINEFEED” and press “Set”. The cursor will start flashing. Press the “Up”
or “Down” button to toggle between “ON” or “OFF” and press “Set” when the desired value is displayed.
Press the “Up” or “Down” button to move the cursor to “EXIT” and press “Set” to return to the previous menu.