About This Note
This note is a supplement to the
Macintosh Developer Notes, Number 2,
Macintosh Duo System,
APDA publication number R0457LL/A. It describes the
design features of the PowerBook Duo 250 computer, which is basically a
PowerBook Duo computer with an active-matrix display and expanded hard
disk capabilities.
This note provides the hardware or software developer with the additional
information needed to design hardware and software elements for the
PowerBook Duo 250 computer. This publication assumes you are familiar with
the functionality and programming requirements for Apple Macintosh
computers. It consists of three chapters
Chapter 1, “Introduction to the PowerBook Duo 250 Computer”
Chapter 2, “Hardware Modifications”
Chapter 3, “Software Modifications”
It also contains an index.
Conventions Used in This Note 0
This developer note uses the following conventions:
A note like this contains information that is interesting but not essential
for an understanding of the text.
A note like this contains information that is essential to an
understanding of the text and of the equipment or software described.
A note like this directs your attention to something that could cause
injury to staff, damage to equipment, or loss of data.
A slash in front of a signal name (/RESET) indicates an active low signal.