Chapter 1 Customizing How the Wiki Looks 21
Key Example Value Possible Values Optional or Required Description
sort modiedDate, createdDate,
title, author
One or more of the
following in the same
Optional Entries are sorted based
on these elds.
The rst eld listed is
sorted rst, then the
entries are resorted by
subsequent elds. The
last eld listed takes
precedence over all
previously listed elds.
sortDirection reverse forward or reverse Optional Sorting order of entries.
reverse—most recently
modied page is listed rst
forward—least recently
modied page is listed rst
emptyListString There are no matches. Any string Optional Shown when there are no
matching search results.
Calendar Unique Keys
Calendar sidebars list upcoming events. “Upcoming Events” is an example calendar
Calendar sidebars have the following unique keys:
Key Example Value Possible Values Optional or Required Description
howManyDays 5 Any number, 1 or more Required Maximum number of
days until an event for it
to be listed in the sidebar.
Events occurring after this
number of days aren’t
shown in the sidebar.
emptyListString There are no matches. Any string Optional Shown when there are no
matching calendar events.