GigaX Centralized Network Management User’s Manual 21
Figure 4.10. Switch Relationship
4.4 Switch Topology
The switch topology frame is on the left part of the CNM window. It shows
the discovered switches and the relationship among them. Each presents a
NIC interface. The interface name and MAC address is shown after the.
The switch topology shows the relationship among the switches in a tree
view. That is, if a switch A has connections to switch B and your NIC, then a
cascade tree will display as Figure 4.10.
In this way, you can find the relationship among the switch. It helps design
and debug your network. Each is a switch with name and MAC address
followed. You can assign a name to the switch by click the right button on the
mouse while the mouse is point to the switch MAC address.
Note: All the switch names are kept in CNM file, but not in the switches. So if
you use CNM to manage the same switch on another management station,
the name may be different because the switch does not keep its name.
4.4.1 Topology Discovery
The topology discovery is done by user’s request. That is, no auto update is
executed for the topology change. This will reduce the network traffics since
the discovery generates some packets to query the switches.