Asus P4T533-C Computer Hardware User Manual

Chapter 2: Hardware information
P4T533-C Clear RTC RAM
Replace the jumper cap and
remove it after 3 seconds
Intel I/O
11. Clear RTC RAM (CLRTC)
This jumper clears the Real Time Clock (RTC) RAM in CMOS. You can
clear the CMOS memory of date, time, and system setup parameters by
erasing the CMOS RTC RAM data. The RAM data in CMOS, that include
system setup information such as system passwords, is powered by the
onboard button cell battery.
To erase the RTC RAM:
1. Turn OFF the computer and unplug the power cord.
2. Remove the battery.
3. Short the jumper by placing a jumper cap over the CLRTC and
then remove the cap after 3 seconds.
4. Re-install the battery.
5. Plug the power cord and turn ON the computer.
6. Hold down the <Del> key during the boot process and enter BIOS
setup to re-enter data.
P4T533-C AUDIO Setting
12 32
10. Audio Setting (3 pin ADN#)
The onboard 6 channel audio chip may be enabled or disabled using these
jumpers. The defualt, [1-2], enables the audio setting. Disable the onboard
audio system if using a PCI audio card on any of the expansion slots.