Asus P5N72-T Computer Hardware User Manual

4-20 Chapter 4: BIOS setup
FSB - Memory Clock Mode [Auto]
Allows you to set the system clock mode.
 FSB-Memory Clock
Mode item to [Linked].
FSB - Memory Ratio [Auto]
Allows you to adjust CPU FSB frequency. Use the <+> and <-> keys to adjust
the frequency. You can also type the desired frequency using the numeric
keypad. The values range from 533 to 3200.
The FSB (QDR), MHzFSB - Memory
Clock Mode to [Unlinked].
Actual FSB (QDR), MHz
FSB-Memory Clock
Mode to [Unlinked].
Allows you to adjust memory frequency. Use the <+> and <-> keys to adjust
the frequency. You can also type the desired frequency using the numeric
keypad. The values range from 400 to 2600.
Actual MEM (DDR), MHz