Asus P5N72-T Computer Hardware User Manual

ASUS P5N72-T Premium 4-25
SB Core Voltage [Auto]
Allows you to select the memory voltage. The values range from 1.50V to 1.85V
with a 0.05V interval.
1.2V HT Voltage [Auto]
Allows you to select the memory voltage. The values range from 1.20V to 1.95V
with a 0.05V interval.
Setting these voltage values to a high level may damage the chipset,
memory module, and CPU permanently. Proceed with caution.
 
colors to indicate the risk of high voltage settings. Refer to the table below
for details.
The system may need better cooling system to work stably under high
voltage settings.
Green Yellow Red
CPU Voltage
CPU PLL Voltage 1.50V–1.60V 1.62V–1.80V 1.82V–
CPU VTT Voltage 1.20V–1.40V 1.42V–1.60V 1.62V–
Memory Voltage 1.80V–2.20V 2.22V–2.60V 2.62V–
NB Core Voltage 1.20V–1.59V 1.61V–1.83V 1.85V–
SB Core Voltage 1.50V–1.60V 1.65V–1.75V 1.80V–
1.2V HT Voltage 1.20V–1.45V 1.50V–1.70V 1.75V–
CPU GTL_REF Ratio [Auto]
[+150mV] [+160mV]
[-05mV] [-10mV] [-15mV][-250mV]