Asus P5QLD Computer Hardware User Manual

4-36 Chapter 4: BIOS setup
4.8 Tools menu
The Tools menu items allow you to congure options for special functions. Select
an item then press <Enter> to display the sub-menu.
Select Screen
Select Item
Enter Go to Sub Screen
F1 General Help
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit
v02.61 (C)Copyright 1985-2008, American Megatrends, Inc.
ASUS EZ Flash 2
Express Gate [Enabled]
Enter OS Timer [10 Seconds]
Reset User Data [No]
ASUS O.C. Prole
Press ENTER to run
the utility to select
and update BIOS.
This utility doesn't
support :
1.NTFS format
Main Ai Tweaker Advanced Power Boot Tools Exit
The message Password Installed appears after you set your password
To change the user password, follow the same steps in setting a user password.
Clear User Password
Select this item to clear the user password.
Password Check [Setup]
When set to [Setup], BIOS checks for user password when accessing the Setup
utility. When set to [Always], BIOS checks for user password both when accessing
Setup and booting the system. Conguration options: [Setup] [Always]