Asus P5WDG2 WS PRO/WIFI-AP Computer Hardware User Manual

ASUS P5WDG2 WS Professional/P5WDG2 WS PRO/WiFi-AP 2-9
5. Position the CPU over
the socket, making sure
that the gold triangle
is on the bottom-left
corner of the socket.
The socket alignment
key should t into the
CPU notch.
Alignment key
Gold triangle mark
6. Close the load plate (A), then
push the load lever (B) until
it snaps into the retention
7. If installing a dual-core CPU,
connect the chassis fan cable
to the CHA_FAN1 connector
to ensure system stability.
The CPU ts in only one correct orientation. DO NOT force the CPU
into the socket to prevent bending the connectors on the socket and
damaging the CPU!
The motherboard supports Intel
4 LGA775 processors with
the Intel
Enhanced Memory 64 Technology (EM64T), Enhanced Intel
Technology (EIST), and Hyper-Threading Technology. Refer
to the Appendix for more information on these CPU features.
4. Lift the load plate with your
thumb and forenger to a 100º
angle (A), then push the PnP cap
from the load plate window to
remove (B).
Load plate