Asus P9X79-E Computer Hardware User Manual

Chapter 4: Software support
4.3.2 ASUS SSD Caching II
ASUS SSD Caching II uses installed SSDs for multi-caching of frequently accessed data or
applications. It combines multiple SSDs’ performance and hard-drive capacity to boost the
system’s overall performance.
Launching ASUS SSD Caching II
To launch ASUS SSD Caching, click Tool > ASUS SSD Caching II on the AI Suite II main
menu bar.
Conguring ASUS SSD Caching II
1. Connect at least one HDD and one or more SSDs to the the Marvell
SATA ports.
ASUS SSD Caching automatically detects the HDD and SSDs.
2. Tick one or more SSDs and click
parallel to the HDD you want to cache
your SSD with. Wait while caching is in
You can also cache multiple SSDs to
different HDDs at the same time.
Tick one or
more SSDs to
cache with the
selected HDD
Application help
Click the
arrow keys
that points to
the HDD for
port indicators