5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0
DAA: Data Access Arrangement is a circuit that isolates a device
from phone lines.
data: Information that a computer can process. The word “data” is
actually plural for “datum,” meaning a single piece of
data bits: A data communications parameter controlling the
number of bits used to represent a character. If data bits = 7, the
computer can generate 128 unique characters, if data bits = 8, the
computer can generate 256 unique characters.
DCE (Data Communications Equipment or Data Circuit-
terminating Equipment): A device that establishes, maintains and
terminates a session on a network. It may also convert signals for
transmission. It is typically the modem.
DCD signal: This signal tells the personal computer whether the
modem is receiving the carrier from the opposite station
DTE (Data Terminating Equipment): A communications device
that is the source or destination of signals on a network. It is
typically a terminal or computer.
dial tone: The tone that is heard from the handset when it is picked
dial mode: Dial mode covers pulse dial and tone dial. Pulse dial
means turning the dial or pressing the buttons to send pulse
signals to connect to the called party. Tone dial means pressing
the button to send tone signals to connect the modem to the called
download: 1) To receive a file from another computer through a
modem. 2) To transmit font data from the computer to a printer.
See also upload.
DSP: A digital signal processor is a chip designed for real-time
applications. DSP techniques are used in PC processors as well as
media engines. For example, some high-end notebooks use a
DSP chip to provide Sound Blaster emulation for the internal
modem as well.