ATO V.9256K Network Card User Manual

AT Commands
AT command formats
5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0
&Pn Select Pulse Dial Make/Break Ratio
Result Codes:
&Tn Self-test commands
These tests can help to isolate problems if you experience
periodic data loss or random errors.
Result Codes:
&P0 Selects 39% - 61% make/break ratio at 10
pulses per second.
&P1 Selects 33% - 67% make/break ratio at 10
pulses per second.
&P2 Selects 33% - 67% make/break ratio at 20
pulses per second.
OK n=0 to 2
ERROR Otherwise
&T0 Abort. Stops any test in progress.
&T1 Local analog loopback test, V.56 Loop 3. This
test verifies modem operation, as well as the
connection between the modem and computer.
If the modem is online when this command is
issued, the modem hangs up.
OK n=0
ERROR Otherwise