AT&T 2500 series Network Router User Manual

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The networking software has been packaged to accommodate this type of network evolution. Table 2-1
shows the types of software (and their PECs) that must be activated to enable particular types of networks.
Table 2-1. Networking Software
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Network Type
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S75/G1 S85/G2
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Package PEC Package PEC
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Tandem Tie Trunk Basic 1233-VAS Basic 1252-RS5
ARS 1233-ARS (includes ARS)
_ _____________________________________________________________________________________
MS/T Uniform Dial Plan 1233-UDP Multipremises 1252-MP3
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ETN Private Network Access 1233-PNA ETN (Standard Network) 1252-ET3
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For ETNs, the ETN (Standard Network) or Private Network Access (PNA) packages need be activated only
on the tandem switches. (The ETN [Standard Network] or PNA packages can also be activated in main
switches; these are known as intelligent mains.)
System 75/Generic 1 and DIMENSION/System 85/Generic 2 software packages are equivalent in that they
enable the same type of networks; they are different in the they sometimes use different processes to
produce the same result. Below is an explanation of the networking software, along with System
75/Generic 1 and DIMENSION/System 85/Generic 2 software similarities and differences.
Basic Networking Software
The basic software for the DIMENSION, System 85, and Generic 2 communication systems contains three
capabilities around which networks are built:
Automatic Route Selection (ARS). ARS is the feature that provides routing of public network calls.
The feature provides automatic selection from an ordered list of trunk groups and access to the first-
available trunk group in the list. The ordered list of trunk groups is called a routing pattern; the trunk
groups on the list are called preferences. Up to 254 routing patterns can be established on the System
75 or Generic 1 communications system; on the System 85 or Generic 2, 64 patterns can be made
available. Each ARS routing pattern has a first-choice preference and one or more alternate preferences
arranged in order of desirability (usually, cheapest to most expensive). For public network calls, ARS
provides capabilities similar to those provided by Automatic Alternate Routing (AAR) for private