18 DSR Installer/User Guide
individual permissions will use this default confi guration.
3. Click on the user Everyone. The default setting shows both boxes at the
bottom of the menu checked. Check or uncheck the Administrator access
and User access boxes to control access for all users without a specifi cally
assigned confi guration. Remember, Administrator access will allow the
user to change permissions in the DSAdmin software for any user listed.
Adding Users
If you wish to give individual users a different access level than the default, you
will first need to add them to the User List.
To add users:
1. Right click on the port you wish to change and select Permissions. This
will activate the Permissions window.
2. Click on Add button. A menu will appear listing all users on the Windows
domain network. Double-click on the user whose permissions you want to
change. This will move that user’s name to the permissions list.
3. Click on the new user’s name and check the access boxes appropriately.
To change specifi c user permissions:
1. Right click on the port or DSR unit you wish to change and select Permissions.
2. The Permissions window will appear listing all confi gured users. Change
an individual user’s access level by clicking on that user’s name and
selecting the access level you wish the user to have. If a user isn’t listed,
click the Add button. Refer to the previous section Adding Users.
NOTE: If you remove all permissions from a port or DSR unit, access to that port or unit
will be lost.