Avocent DSR1161 Switch User Manual

Chapter 4: Advanced Operations 31
7. To complete the change, update the name of the Backup DSAuthentication
PC in all DSView installations.
To promote the Backup Authentication Server to Primary
1. Run the “DSAuth Confi guration” Control Panel on the primary DSAuthen-
tication PC. The DSAuthentication Confi guration applet will appear.
2. Within the applet, change the mode of operation to “Backup” and enter
the name of the Primary DSAuthentication PC. When prompted, restart
the service.
3. Next, run the “DSAuth Configuration” Control Panel on the backup
DSAuthentication PC. The DSAuthentication Configuration applet
will appear.
4. Within the applet, change the mode of operation to “Primary” and enter
the name of the Backup DSAuthentication PC. When prompted, restart
the service.
Forcing a Full Resynchronization
If the integrity of the topology of the backup server should come into question
or if a PC is moved to controlling a different topology, a Full Resynchroniza-
tion should be performed. This will force a check of all elements and should
only be performed when necessary as it consumes a great deal of time and
network bandwidth.
To force a Full Resynchronization:
1. Run the “DSAuth Confi guration” Control Panel. The DSAuthentication
Confi guration applet will appear.
2. Select your backup server and click the Force Full Resynchronization button.
3. Click OK to begin the resynchronization.
Altering DSView Settings
Under most circumstances, the DSView software will function smoothly with
the default settings. However, depending on your system, you may wish to
fine-tune some aspects of its performance.
To change your default desktop size
There are occasions when you may wish to change the resolution on your desktop
to one resembling the Host system. To do this from within the DSView software:
1. Select Tools-Desktop from the command bar at the top of the Session window.
2. Choose a resolution. Your desktop will be resized to the resolution speci-
ed. Repeat this command to return to your original resolution.