36 DSR Installer/User Guide
Users who wish to fine tune their video performance can do so with the com-
mands below. All are accessed from the Tools - Video - Manual Adjustments
command set located in the Session window. Users may verify the level of
packets per second required to support a static screen by selecting Tools-Video-
Manual Adjustments and observing the packet rate which is located in the
lower right hand corner of the dialog box. The following describes the effects
of the video adjustments.
Image Position
If Host and Remote mouse cursors do not align exactly when the Mouse-Align
function is selected, video centering may be required.
To move the screen to the right, click the up arrow on the Left/Right setting.
The down arrow moves the image to the left. Similarly the image can be
moved up and down. Generally, only a few increments are required. Moving
the mouse into the active Host window area will show if the correction is
complete. The point (hot spot) of the Host and Remote cursors should be
superimposed. Click on the OK button to save settings.
Image Clarity
If the image in the Session window is not clear, select Tools - Video -
Auto Adjust first. (This command is also available in the Video Adjustments
window.) In most cases, this will correct video problems. In those cases where
clicking on Auto Adjust several times does not clear up a mottled screen,
adjusting the Contrast and Brightness may help.
First increase the Brightness. Do not move more that 10 increments before
adjusting the Contrast. Generally, the contrast should be moved very little.
When the packet count is close to zero, refresh the screen. If the packet count
stays at zero the video adjustment is completed.
Detection Thresholds
In some cases, noise in the video transmission keeps the packets/sec count up.
This can be seen when little dots change in the area of the cursor when it is
moved. Varying the Noise and Priority thresholds can result in quieter screens
and improved cursor tracking. The default settings are Noise setting 6 and
Priority setting 18. These numbers set the minimum levels in terms of changed
pixels per thousand that are allowed without updating the video block. Raising
the Noise Threshold will usually make the packets/sec count decrease. The
result will be larger cursor image artifacts remaining on the screen. Decreas-
ing it will make the size of these artifacts smaller.