Barco 4MP/6MP Projector User Manual

Coronis Fusion 4MP/6MP 29
On-screen display (OSD)
Luminance and color menu
Measured luminance Indicates the actual luminance measured
by the internal sensor. This is a read-only
value. It is expressed in cd/m2.
Luminance target Allows to manually adjust the luminance
target. See note below.
Color target Allows to select from a list of factory-
defined and user-defined color targets.
Viewing mode Allows to select the viewing mode:
Diagnostic or Text. In text mode the
luminance is approximately half of the
luminance in diagnostic mode. This is
intended for use with office applications
such as word processing. You can also
switch between both modes by touching
the up and down keys at the same
time while the OSD is not on the screen.
Color definition Jumps to the color definition submenu,
which allows to change the definition of
the user-defined color targets.
When you change the luminance target, the display will adjust
its backlight to reach the target. This can be seen in the
Measured luminance line.
When the luminance target cannot be reached, e.g., due to
aging of the backlight, the Measured luminance line changes
to Minimum value reached or Maximum value reached.