User manual MFGD 2320 30
The Firmware information menu contains the following items:
Boot Code Version .......The version of the internal boot code
Run Code Version ........The version of the internal run code
CPLD Code Version .....The version of the internal CPLD code
FPGA Version ..............The version of the internal FPGA code
Transpose Version .......The version of the internal Transpose circuit
Scan Table Version ......The version of the predefined scan mode table
The Runtimes information menu contains the following items:
Display lifetime ........ Indicates the total time the display has been
operating, including the time in stand-by
Backlight Lifetime .... Indicates the total time the display has been
operating, excluding the time in stand-by (so, the
total backlight lifetime)
Backlight Runtime ... Indicates the time the backlight has been on
since the last time it was switched off (e.g., in
stand-by). This counter stops after 1092 minutes.
Take care not to damage or scratch the panel. Clean with a soft
woolen or cotton towel. Use a watery solution or a mild commercial
glass-cleaning product suited for coated glass surfaces.
Do not use chemical cleaning products, benzene, toluene, xylene or
other solvents. Clean with a soft cloth dampened with mild detergent
and water. Repeat with water only and wipe dry with a dry cloth.
Removing dust from the rear of the glass panel