Black Box Black Box Cold Row DX Network Hardware User Manual

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724-746-5500 |
Chapter 4: E2 Controller
4.2.5 Modifiable Variables
Figure 4-9. Modifiable variable.
Pressing the Enter key accepts the value displayed and advances the cursor to the next modifiable field. You can use the Up or
Down key to modify the values of these fields.
If the modifiable field is a positive (+) number, the positive value is indicated by the absence of a (+) or (-) symbol. The (-) negative
symbol will be displayed to the left of the first digit for negative numbers.
4.2.6 Password Authorization Levels
You can request access to a menu loop from the main menu. Modifiable control screens have variables that affect system
performance. Improper settings may result in erratic operation and possible system failure or damage. Anyone is allowed direct
access to the Info and Alarm log display menus with no security password.
Only authorized personnel who possess a thorough understanding of the system operation should perform modifications to
secured menu settings (Control, Service, and Factory). These menus are configured with password protection, requiring a higher
level of authority to access them. The screens must have accurate variables entered otherwise erratic operation may occur. Password-Protected Screen
When you first attempt to select a secure menu in a given session, the "Enter Password” screen will be displayed. This screen
displays the current security level authorized.
Figure 4-10. Enter password screen.
A session is defined as from the time access is gained to a secure menu until 60 seconds elapses with no key activity. Security
access will be terminated at this point and you will have to re-enter the password to gain access. The menus that may be
password-protected by the user are the Control and Service menus. The factory-level menu screens are also password-protected;
however, the password is set at the factory to limit access.
Access to the Factory menu screens will only be granted while the user is working with the guidance of Black Box Technical
Support (see Chapter 6), because incorrect settings made at that level could unintentionally damage the equipment. The Access
ID Code in the bottom left of the “Enter Password” screen is needed when contacting Technical Support to determine the correct
factory menu password for your specific controller.
The level of authority is established by entering the proper password for a given security level. The controller is shipped from the
factory with preset passwords for all the security levels.