5.0 Hayes Emulation Mode
Table 5-1 (continued). Hayes Compatible Commands.
I Product Code Or Checksum
I0 Requests product code.
I1 Requests checksum for the Modem’s software. (Only a
portion of the checksum displayed via the front panel is
displayed in decimal format.)
I2 Requests verification of software checksum.
I3 Requests the following for each EPROM
(programmable memory unit): chip, part and revision
number; checksum.
I4 Reserved.
L Link Dial (L specifies LINK function when used as a
dial command modifier.)
L Speaker Volume *
L0 or L1 Low speaker volume.
L2 Medium volume.
L3 High volume.
M Speaker Control *
M0 Speaker always OFF.
M1 Speaker ON until carrier is detected.
M2 Speaker always ON.
M3 Speaker OFF during dialing; otherwise ON until carrier
is detected.
O Forced On-Line
O0 Forces Modem to on-line state.
O1 Forces Modem to on-line state and initiates equalizer
P Pulse Dial No parameters, but the default is T (for
tone dial).
Q Send Result Code
Q0 Send result codes.
Q1 Withhold result codes (quiet).
Q2 Withhold result codes for incoming calls only (quiet