Black Box MD885C-R2 Modem User Manual

Modem 34336
If DIAL IF BAD >> (1, 2, 3 or 4) min is selected, the Select option setting
of the answer unit must be equal to or less than the Select option of the
originate unit.
If both modems are set for Manual Recovery, the originate unit is used to
autodial the number stored via the PHONE screen without having to change
the LINE TYPE setting on either unit. To autodial, access the AUTO-DIAL
screen and select DIAL. To return to the leased line, select HANGUP from
the AUTO-DIAL screen.
The Return From Leased Line Auto-Recovery option determines the criteria
for exiting the Leased Line Auto-Recovery mode.<D%0> “RETURN IF GOOD
>> (10, 40, 60, or 120) seconds” means the modem automatically exits the
Leased Line Auto-Recovery mode when it tests and finds the leased <M%-
2>line in good condition for more than the time period specified (10, 40, 60
or 120 seconds).<D%0> If the Return option is set to OFF, the modem stays
in the Auto-Recovery mode indefinitely, unless you select HANGUP from the
AUTO-DIAL screen, a loss of line current, or other normal disconnect occurs.
Either event returns communication to the leased line.
The Return option setting must be the same on both communicating
If the Return option is enabled (>> 10, 40, 60, or 120 seconds), the Test
Interval selections control how frequently the Modem tests the leased line
conditions to determine if exit from the Leased Line Auto-Recovery mode is
desirable. Exiting is based on the criteria selected for return from Auto-
Recovery. The Modem can be set to test every 10, 20, 40, or 60 minutes.
The Test option setting must be the same on both units.
4.4 Dial Line Auto-Recovery
The Dial Line Auto-Recovery feature allows you to set up the Modem for a
dial-up application so it automatically redials to restore a broken connection
if the modem goes on-hook. In this way, the Dial Line Auto-Recovery feature
emulates the reliability of a leased line connection.
4.4.1 S
Two steps are required to set up the Modem for Dial Line Auto-Recovery.
First, enter or store the number to be dialed with the /R command. Then,
enable Dial Line Auto-Recovery. To configure the Modem for Dial Line Auto-