Cabletron Systems 2.2 Network Router User Manual

Related Manuals 1-3
We assume that you have a general working knowledge of Ethernet IEEE 802.3,
FDDI, WAN, and ATM type data communications networks and their physical
layer components, and that you are familiar with general bridging concepts.
Related Manuals
BRIM UserÕs Guide
is only part of a complete document set designed to
provide comprehensive information about the features available to you through
SPECTRUM Element Manager. Other guides which include important
information related to managing the BRIM include:
Cabletron SystemsÕ
SPECTRUM Element Manager UserÕs Guide
Cabletron SystemsÕ
SPECTRUM Element Manager Tools Guide
Cabletron SystemsÕ
SPECTRUM Element Manager Remote Administration Tools
UserÕs Guide
Cabletron SystemsÕ
SPECTRUM Element Manager Remote Monitoring (RMON)
UserÕs Guide
Cabletron SystemsÕ
SPECTRUM Element Manager Alarm and Event Handling
UserÕs Guide
Cabletron SystemsÕ
Network Troubleshooting Guide
Microsoft CorporationÕs
Microsoft Windows UserÕs Guide
For more information about the capabilities of the BRIM and the host device in
which it is installed, consult the appropriate hardware documentation.
For more information about the capabilities of SPECTRUM Element Manager for
the host device, consult its UserÕs Guide.
BRIM Management Applications
When a device (e.g., MicroMMAC, NBR-620, EMM-E6, or ESXMIM) has a BRIM
installed and enabled, additional applications will be available from the Chassis
View window. These applications will depend on the type of BRIM installed in
your device.
Bridge Status
will be available from the
for all devices with
BRIMs installed. The Bridging options that are available from the Bridge Status
window will vary depending on the device and the type of BRIM you have
installed; see
Chapter 2, Bridging,
for details on the bridge applications.
Router Utilities
Basic Router ConÞguration
Advanced Router
) will be available from the
menu when a BRIM is
installed and enabled on your device. For more information, see the
Services ConÞguration Guide.