Cabletron Systems 2.2 Network Router User Manual

2-68 Using the Token Ring Bridge and Port Configuration Windows
Port Mode
Displays the three port mode options that are deÞned as follows:
¥ LobeÑallows direct-attach station connections (acting as a concentrator port).
¥ StationÑprovides station emulation.
¥ TPIM RI/ROÑallows attachment to Þber TPIMs on standard workgroup
hubs or direct-attachment to devices, such as servers, via Þber adapter cards.
If the device does not support this mode of operation, this option will be
grayed out.
Novell Translation
Displays the three bit-order options that are available for translationÑEnable
LLC (Logical Link Control Translation), Enable DLC (Data Link Layer
Translation), and Disable (No translation will take place). See Using the Novell
Translation Window, page 2-97, for more information.
Ring Speed
Displays the selected ring speed, 4 Mbps or 16 Mbps.
Bridge Mode/Explorer Type
Displays the available bridging mode and explorer frame type combinations:
Source Route Indicates the bridge forwards packets
Transparent/Transparent so they know the route and the devices they
pass through to reach their destination.
Explorer frames have no embedded routing
Source Route Indicates that the bridge forwards packets
Transparent/Are so they know the route and the devices they
pass through to reach their destination.
ARE (All Routes Explorer) packets are sent
to the destination station if the sending
station does not receive a response to a test
Source Route Indicates that the bridge forwards packets so
Transparent/STE they know the route and the devices they
pass through to reach their destination.
STE (Spanning Tree Explorer) packets are
sent to the destination station if the sending
station does not receive a response to a test
Source Route/ARE Indicates that the bridge forwards packets
so they do not know the route or the
devices they pass through to reach their
destination. ARE (All Routes Explorer)