Domain, 8-32
Domain Name, 3-6, 8-6
dpi, 8-32
ECM, 8-32
E-mail Address, 8-19
E-Mail/I-Fax Settings, 8-19
E-mail Address, 8-19
POP, 8-19
POP Address, 8-19
POP Interval, 8-19
POP Password, 8-19
POP Server, 8-19
SMTP Receipt, 8-19
SMTP Server, 8-19
Enable Dedicated Port, 8-18
Encrypted SSL data communication problems
and remedies, 7-16
Error indicator, 8-32
Ethernet, 8-32
Ethernet Driver Settings, 2-10, 8-18
Auto Detect, 8-18
Communication Mode, 8-18
Ethernet Type, 8-18
MAC Address, 8-18
Ethernet Type, 2-10, 8-18
100Base-TX, 2-4
10Base-T, 2-4
EtherTalk, 1-5, 1-11, 8-32
File formats, 8-33
File Server, 8-14, 8-33
Fine, 8-33
Forwarding, 8-33
FQDN, 8-33
Frame Type, 4-8, 8-13, 8-33
FTP, 1-7, 8-33
FTP Print Settings, 8-8
Password, 8-8
Use FTP printing, 8-8
User, 8-8
FTP server settings, 3-59
imageWARE Gateway, 3-66
Mac OS X, 3-64
UNIX/Linux, 3-63
Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista, 3-59
Gamma Correction, 8-33
Gateway Address, 3-4, 8-3, 8-34
Generate Key, 8-9
Generate SSL Key, 8-9
Generate/Update Device Signature Key, 8-10
Generate SSL Key, 8-9
City, 8-9
Common Name, 8-9
Country/Region, 8-9
End Date of Validity, 8-9
Key Algorithm, 8-9
Key Length (bit), 8-9
Key Name, 8-9
Organization, 8-9
Orgnztion Unit, 8-9
Start Date of Validity, 8-9
State, 8-9
Generate/Update Device Signature Key, 8-10
Generating and confirming a key pair and device
signature certificate and user certificate for
adding digital signatures to pdf files, 3-36
Confirming a key pair and device certificate,
Confirming a key pair and user certificate, 3-39