Canon C5185I Printer User Manual

Protocol Settings
Using a TCP/IP Network
If you want to restrict the IPv4 addresses of computers on which the
machine setting items can be set or browsed (using the Remote UI
or utility):
<Apply Settings> of [Permit IPv4 Address] for <Setting/Browsing Range>: [On]
Press [Register] store only one IPv4 address or a range of IPv4 addresses
that are to be permitted.
<Apply Settings> of [Reject IPv4 Address] for <Setting/Browsing Range>: [On]
Press [Register] store only one IPv4 address or a range of IPv4 addresses
that are to be rejected.
You can register up to eight IPv4 addresses or IPv4 address ranges.
The IPv4 address '' cannot be specified.
The value of [First Address] for [Multiple Addresses] should be smaller than or
equal to that of [Last Address].
If <Apply Settings> is set to 'Off' for both [Permit IPv4 Address] and [Reject IPv4
Address], all IPv4 addresses are permitted.
If <Apply Settings> is set to 'Off' for [Permit IPv4 Address] and <Apply Settings> is
set to 'On' for [Reject IPv4 Address], IPv4 addresses that are beyond the specified
range of [Reject IPv4 Address] are permitted.
If <Apply Settings> is set to 'On' for [Permit IPv4 Address] and <Apply Settings> is
set to 'Off' for [Reject IPv4 Address], IPv4 addresses that are beyond the specified
range of [Permit IPv4 Address] are not permitted.
If <Apply Settings> for both [Permit IPv4 Address] and [Reject IPv4 Address] is set
to 'On', IPv4 addresses that are beyond the ranges of both [Permit IPv4 Address]
and [Reject IPv4 Address] are not permitted.
If <Apply Settings> for both [Permit IPv4 Address] and [Reject IPv4 Address] is set
to 'On', IPv4 addresses that are within the ranges of both [Permit IPv4 Address]
and [Reject IPv4 Address] are not permitted.
If the usage of a protocol or print application is not permitted on your device, it
cannot be used even after its IPv4 address is permitted on the machine; on your
device, configure the settings to permit the protocol or print application.
This machine logs attempts to gain access from IPv4 addresses that it has been
set to reject. For instructions on how to refer to the access log, see "Viewing the
Network Access Log," on p. 8-24.