Statistical Data Input
After confirming the calculation type in the Statistical Type
Selection screen or by pressing (Data) in the STAT
mode, the following Statistical Data Input screen will be shown:
Editing Statistical Sample Data
Replacing the Data in a Cell
(1) In the Statistical Data Input screen, move the cursor to
the cell you want to edit.
(2) Input the new data value or expression, and press .
Deleting a Line
(1) In the Statistical Data Input screen, move the cursor to
the line you want to delete.
(2) Press
Inserting a Line
(1) In the Statistical Data Input screen, move the cursor to
the line that will be under the line being inserted.
(2) Press (Edit)
(3) Press (Ins)
Deleting All STAT Data Input
(1) Press (Edit)
(2) Press (Del-A)
• After turning on Data Frequency in the setup menu, the
“FREQ” column will be added into the above screen.
• The following are the maximum number of lines for data input.
• Input expression and display result values in the Statistical
Data Input screen are in Line mode (same as Comp mode
with Line mode status).
• After inputting the data, press to store the value into
statistical registers and display the value (max. 6 digits) in the
cell. You can press the cursor key to move the cursor
between each cell.
FREQ OFFStatistic type
Single Variable (only x input) 40 80
2 Variable (x & y input) 26 40
1-variable STAT 2-variable STAT
1-variable STAT