
Introducing the Register
J Sign off key Å
Use this key to sign clerk off the register.
K Tax shift 1 key t
Use this key without a numeric entry to change the
Taxable 1 status of the next item.
L Tax shift 2 key T
Use this key without a numeric entry to change the
Taxable 2 status of the next item.
M New check key N
Use this key in a check tracking system to input a new
check number in order to open a new check under that
N Old check key O
Use this key in a check tracking system to input the num-
ber of an existing check (previously created by the New
check key) which details are stored in the check tracking
memory. Existing checks are reopened to perform further
registration or to nalize them.
O Received on account key r
Use this key following a numeric entry to register money
received for non-sale transactions.
P Paid out key P
Use this key following a numeric entry to register money
paid out from the drawer.
Q Table transfer key B
Use this key in a check tracking system to transfer one
check to the other. If a speci ed check number is already
existed, then the contains of the transferred check are
added into the existed check. If a speci ed check number
is not existed, then a check number is overwritten by a
speci ed number.
R New balance key S
Use this key for adding the latest registered total amount
to the previous balance to obtain a new balance.
S Department keys !, ", ~
Use these keys to register items to departments.
T Credit key B B
Use this key to register a credit sale.
U Charge key h
Use this key to register a charge sale.
V Check key k
Use this key to register a check tender.
W Subtotal key s
Use this key to display and print the current subtotal
(includes add-on tax) amount.
X Cash amount tendered key a
Use this key to register a cash sale.