Citizen CT-S851 Printer User Manual

1. Turn off the printer and unplug the power cord from the electric outlet.
2. Remove the mounting screws of the serial interface board.
3. Remove the serial interface board from the printer.
4. Set the DIP switch according to the following table.
The function of each switch is shown below. (Shaded values are factory
settings. However, factory settings differ depending on the destination market.)
Baud rate selection
When switch no. 1 is set to OFF, you can use a command or a memory switch
to select 1200, 38400, 57600, or 115200 bps.
3.7 Setting the DIP Switch on the Serial
Interface Board
When setting the DIP switch, do not remove any screws except the serial interface board
mounting screws.
Switch no. Function ON OFF
1 Communication
condition setting
According to DIP switch settings
According to memory switch
2 Hand shake XON/XOFF
3 Bit length 7 bits
8 bits
4 Parity check Yes
5 Parity selection Even parity
Odd parity
Baud rate
Refer to table below.
8 INIT Reset
Baud rate (bps)
Switch no.
2400 OFF OFF
4800 ON OFF
9600 OFF ON
19200 ON ON
DIP switch
Serial interface board mounting screws