Citizen Systems CBM-270 Printer User Manual

CBM-270 User’s Manual
Function Code Page
33 GS k Printing the bar code
1DH 6BH n [‘d’] k
34 GS w
Specifying the horizontal size(Scale factor) of bar code
1DH 77H n 74
35 GS h Specifying the height of the bar code 1DH 68H n 74
36 GS H Selecting the print position of HRI code 1DH 48H n 75
37 GS f Selecting the font of HRI code 1DH 66H n 76
38 GS * Defining the download, bit image
n1 n2
[d] n1 x n2 x 8
39 GS / Printing the download, bit image 1DH 2FH
m 78
40 GS : Starting/Ending macro definition 1DH 3AH 79
41 GS ^ Executing the macro 1DH 5EH
n1 n2 n3
42 DC2 A Selecting the printing speed 1DH 41H
n 81
43 DC3 Switching the Red/Black printing 13H n 81
44 FF
Printing and Paper feeding to the top of the label
0CH 82
45 GS FF
Printing and discharging the labels (Cutting included)
1DH 0CH 82
46 GS C0 Setting the numbering print mode 1DH 43H
30H m n
47 GS C1 Setting the numbering counter mode (A)
1DH 43H
31H n1
n2 n3 n4 n5 n6
48 GS C2 Setting the numbering counter
1DH 43H
32H n1
49 GS C ; Setting the numbering counter mode (B)
1DH 43H
3BH N1
3BH N2 3BH N3
3BH N4 3BH N5
50 GS c Printing the counter 1DH 63H 86
51 GS < Initializing the printer mechanism 1DH 3CH 87
52 GS A Correctting the label top position 1DH 41H m n 87
Note) n, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, m, a, s, p, d, N1, N2, N3, N4, and N5 in the table are parameters
for each command.
Note) [ ]k in the table denotes k-times of repeat.
10.2 Command Details
10.2.1 Descriptions of Each Item
[Function] Command Function