Citizen Systems CBM-270 Printer User Manual

CBM-270 User’s Manual
ESC v (Serial Interface Only)
[Function] Transmitting the printer status
[Code] <1B> H <76> H
[Outline] Current printer status is transmitted..
[Caution] Status sent out consists of 1 byte whose content is as in the table below.
In DTR/DSR control, after receptible state of the host (DSR signal being in SPACE state)
is confirmed, only 1 byte is transmitted. In XON/XOFF control, DSR signal state not
being confirmed, only 1 byte is transmitted.
In DTR/DSR control, when the host is in unreceptible state(DSR signal being in MARK
state), it waits until receptible state is created.
In paper end (paper near end) status, this command may be unreceptible state due to
BUSY state.
Remarks. This command is valid only for serial interface model.
Bit Function
0 1
0 Not defined
1 Not defined
2 Paper end With paper Without paper
3 Not defined
4 Not used Fixed to 0
5 Not defined
6 Not defined
7 Not defined
[Sample Program]
OPEN "COM1:N81NN" AS #1 ;
PRINT #1, CHR$ (&H1B) ; "v" ;
A$ = INPUT$ (1, #1) ;