CBM-270 User’s Manual
DC2 A n
[Function] Selecting a printing speed
[Code] <12>H<41>H<n>
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 1
[Outline] This command specifies a printing command. n is valid only for the least significant bit.
n0 Printing Speed
0 Standard print
1 High-speed print
[Caution] If a printing amount is too much for one line, a standard speed will be assumed. Bar code
printout and download bit image printout are automatically done at a standard speed. At
high-speed printout, printing quality may be deteriorated.
[Default] n = 1
DC3 n
[Function] Switching the Red/Black printing
[Code] <13>H<n>
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Outline] This command selects/deselects black/red printout. n is valid only for the least significant bit
n0 Black based paper n0 Red based paper
0 Deselects red printout 0 Deselects black printout
1 Selects red printout 1 Selects black printout
When deselected : Assumes a standard power-on pulse rate
When selected : Increases a power-on pulse rate to change coloring.
[Caution] T hi s com ma nd is va li d onl y at the be gi nni ng of the li ne . It func t ions when spec i al purpose
paper is used. Pr int ing col or be com es t hic ke r on nor ma l t he r ma l paper .
[Default] n = 0
[Sample Program]
LPRINT CHR$ (&H13) ; CHR& (1) ;
[Print Result]
When the normal thermal paper is used
Black print
Red print
When the special purpose paper is used
Standard print
High-temperature print
FF (Only When Label Printer is Selected)
[Function] Printing and paper feeding to the top of the label
[Code] <0C>H