Citizen Systems CBM-270 Printer User Manual

CBM-270 User’s Manual
GS C0 m n
[Function] Setting the numbering print mode
[Code] <1D>H<43>H<30>H<m><n>
[Range] 0 m 5
0 n 5
[Outline] This command sets the numbering (serial number counter) print mode. m denotes the
number of print columns.
m = 0 Prints the digits indicated by a numeral. In this case, n has no meaning.
m = 1 to 5 Indicates the maximum number of columns to be printed. If a counter value is larger than
this the number of columns set with this command, the printer will print the lower m-digits of
the counter value.
n specifies a printing position within the printing columns.
n = 0 Prints the data right justified. The blank columns are spaced.
n = 1 Prints the data right justified. The blank columns are filled with "0".
n =2 Pri nt s t he da ta le ft just i fi ed. The r ight bl a nk c olumns a re spac e d.
[Caution] If either m or n has a value beyond their ranges, that setting will become invalid.
[See Also] GS C1, GS C2, GS c, GS C
[Default] m = 0, n = 0
[Sample Program]
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1D) ; "C0" ; * CNT
LPRINT CHR$ (0) ; CHR$ (0) ; FOR I=1 TO 5
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1D) ; "C0" ; NEXT I
LPRINT CHR$ (1) ; CHR$ (0) ; LPRINT CHR$ (&HA) ;
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1D) ; "C0" ;
LPRINT CHR$ (3) ; CHR$ (0) ;
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1D) ; "C0" ;
LPRINT CHR$ (3) ; CHR$ (1) ;
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1D) ; "C0" ;
LPRINT CHR$ (3) ; CHR$ (2) ;
[Print Result]
Counts from 1 to 5 at m = 0 and n = 0.
Counts from 6 to 10 at m = 1 and n = 0.
Counts from 11 to 15 at m = 3 and n = 0.
Counts from 16 to 20 at m = 3 and n = 1.
Counts from 21 to 25 at m = 3 and n =2.