5–12 Learning More About Your Computer
Understanding Computer Terms
file extension
A dot and three letters after a file name that indicate the program in
which the file was created. For example, filename.doc. The file
extension .doc indicates that the file was created in Microsoft Word.
floppy disk
An older term for disk. See disk.
Represented by an icon that looks like a yellow manila folder, a
computer folder contains other folders (subfolders) and files.
MS-DOS and early versions of Microsoft Windows used the term
directory (and subdirectories) for folder (and subfolders).
A complete set of letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols
in a particular typeface. When you use a word processing program,
you can choose from a long list of fonts to give your document
personality. Typefaces can suggest masculinity, femininity, strength,
delicacy, formality, frivolity, friendliness, warmth, coldness, classical
tradition, or contemporary trends. Matching the personality of the
typeface with the content of the text is a challenge for desktop
game port
A connector on the back of the computer for plugging in a gamepad,
joystick, or steering wheel. See joystick.