5–20 Learning More About Your Computer
Understanding Computer Terms
mixed-mode disc
A CD that includes both computer data and CD-DA tracks. The data
is all contained in track one, and the audio in one or more of the
following tracks. Contrast with CD Extra.
A device in the computer that converts data from digital format to
analog format so that it can be transferred through a standard
telephone line to another computer. The modem in the receiving
computer converts the data back to digital format. See digital.
A device that you move across the top of your desk (or a mousepad)
to move the pointer or cursor on the screen. Click to select an item,
double-click to launch a program, and right-click to display a shortcut
menu. See mouse pointer and cursor. See also click, double-click, and
mouse pointer
The arrow on the screen that moves with the mouse.
The file extension for MPEG (pronounced “empeg”), audio layer 3,
sound files. The format is easily identified by the file extension .mp3.
This format compresses sound data from a stereo music CD to 1/12th
its original size without sacrificing sound quality. Because of their
small size, MP3 files can be transferred over the Internet easily. You
can download individual songs or entire CDs in MP3 format to your
computer. See file extension.
Moving Picture Experts Group, a standards organization responsible
for the MPEG1 and MPEG2 standards for the compression of
full-motion video.
Two or more media formats used together, such as text, graphics,
animation, audio, or video.