Installing Creative WebCam Pro eX 1-3
5. Connect Creative WebCam Pro eX’s USB cable to an available USB port on
your computer (Figure 1-2). Place Creative WebCam Pro eX on top of your
computer monitor or another flat surface, or fix it to your laptop screen
(Figure 1-3).
Windows automatically detects the device.
• You can safely install the
Creative WebCam Pro eX
with your computer
turned on.
• The USB port(s) on your
computer may be found
on the front panel
instead of the back
• You can daisy-chain the
Creative WebCam Pro eX
through another USB
device or attach the
Creative WebCam Pro eX
to a self-powered USB
• If you have a
microphone, connect it
to your audio card. Most
audio cards have an
external microphone
connector. Read your
audio card’s
documentation for more
Figure 1-2: Connecting Creative WebCam Pro eX to your computer.
USB port