Document #: 38-08027 Rev. *B Page 10 of 32
and XTAL
are the clock pins to the microcon-
troller. The user can connect a low-cost ceramic resonator or
an external oscillator can be connected to these pins to
provide a reference frequency for the internal clock distribution
and clock doubler.
An external 6-MHz clock can be applied to the XTAL
pin if
the XTAL
pin is left open. Please note that grounding the
pin is not permissible as the internal clock is effec-
tively shorted to ground.
The USB Controller supports three types of resets. All
registers are restored to their default states during a reset. The
USB Device Addresses are set to 0 and all interrupts are
disabled. In addition, the Program Stack Pointer (PSP) and
Data Stack Pointer (DSP) are set to 0x00. For USB applica-
tions, the firmware should set the DSP below 0xE8 to avoid a
memory conflict with RAM dedicated to USB FIFOs. The
assembly instructions to do this are shown below:
Mov A, E8h ; Move 0xE8 hex into Accumulator
Swap A,dsp ; Swap accumulator value into dsp register
The three reset types are:
1. Power-On Reset (POR)
2. Watch Dog Reset (WDR)
3. USB Bus Reset (non hardware reset)
The occurrence of a reset is recorded in the Processor Status
and Control Register located at I/O address 0xFF. Bits 4, 5,
and 6 are used to record the occurrence of POR, USB Reset,
and WDR respectively. The firmware can interrogate these bits
to determine the cause of a reset.
The microcontroller begins execution from ROM address
0x0000 after a POR or WDR reset. Although this looks like
interrupt vector 0, there is an important difference. Reset
processing does NOT push the program counter, carry flag,
and zero flag onto program stack. That means the reset
handler in firmware should initialize the hardware and begin
executing the “main” loop of code. Attempting to execute either
a RET or RETI in the reset handler will cause unpredictable
execution results.
Power-On Reset (POR)
Power-On Reset (POR) occurs every time the V
voltage to
the device ramps from 0V to an internally defined trip voltage
(Vrst) of approximately 1/2 full supply voltage. In addition to the
normal reset initialization noted under “Reset,” bit 4 (PORS) of
the Processor Status and Control Register is set to “1” to
indicate to the firmware that a Power-On Reset occurred. The
POR event forces the GPIO ports into input mode (high
impedance), and the state of Port 3 bit 7 is used to control how
the part will respond after the POR releases.
If Port 3 bit 7 is HIGH (pulled to V
) and the USB IO are at
the idle state (DM HIGH and DP LOW) the part will go into a
semi-permanent power down/suspend mode, waiting for the
USB IO to go to one of Bus Reset, K (resume) or SE0. If Port
3 bit 7 is still HIGH when the part comes out of suspend, then
a 128-µs timer starts, delaying CPU operation until the ceramic
resonator has stabilized.
If Port 3 bit 7 was LOW (pulled to V
) the part will start a 96-
ms timer, delaying CPU operation until V
has stabilized,
then continuing to run as reset.
Firmware should clear the POR Status (PORS) bit in register
0xFF before going into suspend as this status bit selects the
128-µs or 96-ms start-up timer value as follows: IF Port 3 bit 7
is HIGH then 128-µs is always used; ELSE if PORS is HIGH
then 96-ms is used; ELSE 128-µs is used.
Watch Dog Reset (WDR)
The Watch Dog Timer Reset (WDR) occurs when the Most
Significant Bit (MSB) of the 2-bit Watch Dog Timer Register
transitions from LOW to HIGH. In addition to the normal reset
Figure 2. Clock Oscillator On-chip Circuit
Clock Distribution
(to Microcontroller)
(to USB SIE)
30 pF
30 pF
At least 8.192 ms
WDR goes high
Execution begins at
Reset Vector 0X00
8.192 ms
2.048 ms
since last write to WDT
for 2.048 ms
to 14.336 ms
Figure 3. Watch Dog Reset (WDR)
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